Strings for Hope

Meet Smiley

Meet Smiley

Q: What were your first thoughts on Strings for Hope?A: Honestly, it took me a minute to consider working for Strings for Hope. I felt a lot of shame from my past and the route of sex trafficking I had taken. I didn’t feel like I belonged here, so I had to change my perspective and realized by w...
Our Mission

Our Mission

"Taking secondhand strings to provide second chances for survivors of addiction, domestic violence, and human trafficking." ​You have probably seen our mission statement on our website, at the events we pop up at, and on our business cards, but what exactly does it mean? It means that all of o...
12 Self Care Tips Recovery Can Teach Us

12 Self Care Tips Recovery Can Teach Us

It's no secret that self care is important for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. There are millions of podcasts and blog posts about what self care is and what it isn't. To some, self care may include bubble baths and facials; to others, self care involves cuddling with loved ones or creating fin...